Sunday, September 26, 2010

So THAT'S How You Make Vegetable Soup!

Take 6 cups of vegetable broth. A cup of chopped onions. A cup of chopped zucchini. 'Nother cup of chopped carrots...a cup of canned stewed tomatoes...frozen sweet peas...a chopped pasta...oregano, parsley, salt, pepper.

And ta da! Lunch for the week. This coming on the heels of also preparing my favorite, butternut squash soup. In between all that veggie chopping, soup cooking, hiking on Crowder's Mountain, watching A PERFECT GETAWAY with Milla Jovovich, I finally squeezed in time with my newest hero & heroine, Rick Tremain and Kelly Castillo. My new WIP, with the working title WHAT THE HEART REMEMBERS, my newest romance novel, is about a third of the way done.

It's actually moved pretty quickly ever since I spilled tea on my laptop for the second time. (Yes, I know--BRILLIANT move!) Something I've learned is that tea and laptop keyboards don't go well together. In addition to having to get an external mouse and keyboard, basically rendering the laptop a desktop, I also somehow managed to make a total mess of the Internet's capability.

Lucky for me, my hubby won't let me near his laptop with a cup of tea, so his Internet still works. And good thing, too, since I'm addicted to YouTube. But one good thing to come out of this is that, unless I hook up the laptop to the actual modem, I can't be distracted by web-surfing. Once I'm in the story, I can't be headed out for the 97th time to check my email, Drudge Report, Facebook, or any of the other distractions that keep writers from meeting with their story.

But vegetable soup IS good for you, as well as hearty for autumn, so...not all distractions are bad, eh? ;D